The Covid Chronology :: New Edition Posted

Read the Latest version of our Covid Chronology —

Here is the beta version of the 2021 timeline.

Oct. 6. was a big day.

Note from New York, June 13, 2024 — We have finally done a major overhaul removing the spacing errors described below. There are no new content updates, but we are working on the Oct. 6, 2020 entry.

Note from New York, Aug. 8, 2023 — Version 5.2.3 and version 5.3.0 (which is a series) are the same thing. Most of the problems exported from Word to Pages are resolved, though the 5.3+ series will continue to address minor issues. (These appear as words stuck together that are not detected by spellcheck.) I have not had much chance to add newly recalled events; if you have sent any in, please send them again. Thank you! — efc

Note from New York, July 20, 2023 — Version 5.2.3 — This edition corrects a diversity of issues created by moving the live version from MS Word to Apple Pages. There may be more problems to find; I am working on version 5.3.0, which will also have a number of added events. Sorry about issues in the prior version.

Note from New York, July 5, 2023 — Version 5.2.2 — This edition corrects a little problem in the prior one — none of the links were clickable. We’ve moved editing from Word to Pages and the error should be resolved.

Interview with Sam Bailey on the chronology appears at the bottom of the post. The chronology is also covered in The End of Covid.

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Welcome to Chiron Return: Mentorship opportunities in journalism and broadcasting

Photo by Eric Francis

Dear Visitor:

This is the website of Chiron Return. Our mission is to provide real-life mentorship in classical investigative reporting, news reporting, feature writing, photojournalism and broadcast journalism.

Our projects include a weekly radio program (Planet Waves FM), Investigative Reporting from the Kitchen Table (interview series), a model editorial policy for online news organizations, and a diversity of other opportunities to learn through experience.

We also offer editorial consulting.

If you’re interested in training with Chiron Return, please write to [email protected], or call (845) 481-5616.

Thanks for reaching out.

Yours truly,

Eric Francis Coppolino signature

Eric Francis Coppolino
Executive Editor

Eric Francis with Dr. Sam Bailey — How Digital Conditions Influenced the Lockdown Crisis

Eric Francis in a new appearance on the Sam Bailey Channel

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week I am again the guest on Dr. Sam Bailey’s channel, talking about how full digital conditions influenced the lockdown crisis. This discussion is based on my study of the work of philosophers Marshall and Eric McLuhan, who pioneered the field of media studies and taught me about life under full digital conditions.

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Don’t Look Back | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This photo of a man purportedly laying dead on the street of Wuhan, China, was taken Jan. 30, 2020 as the “virus” was being rolled out in the international media. Photograph by Héctor Retamal.

Read the Story

“To most people reading the news, the fact of the governor shutting down Broadway and the rest of New York’s world-famous entertainment and professional sports industries was proof enough of a serious problem.”

“To most astrologers, the aspect associated with what was called a coronavirus pandemic was Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. The conjunction, which happens about once every 38 years, was exact on Jan. 12, 2020. It was the “great reset” of the Saturn-Pluto cycle most famous in recent memory for its presence in the chart for Sept. 11, 2001.”

Warning to Women, & the Men Who Love Them

Collusion by Charlie Lemay.

Dear Friend and Reader:

WE ARE ABOUT to experience a total eclipse of the Moon in the sign Scorpio, symbols boldly pointing to matters of women’s reproduction, and concerns of the public about such issues.

Soon after the corresponding solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, a draft decision was leaked from the Supreme Court for the first time in American history, pertaining to the case Dobbs v. Jacobson’s Women’s Health Organization.

The proposed ruling would render it legal for states to entirely ban abortion, overturning the famous Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood cases.

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Dobbs decision leak, and the Chiron Return of Roe v. Wade :: The More Things Change

In fact when I researched Roe at the 40th anniversary, it was clear that the anti-choice movement was already hard at work, anticipating the decision, and getting ready to take out the pending Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) a few years later.

Audio from Planet Waves FM: Roe v. Wade and Our Haunted World

Dear Friend and Reader:

THE EXTRAORDINARY LEAK of a draft decision of the United States Supreme Court is itself a sign of the times. Yet another thing that’s never happened before actually has. We can be sure that the court staff will face something akin to waterboarding as the justices figure out just how that PDF got loose.

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For the First Time, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Publicly Acknowledges Controversy Over Existence of SARS-CoV-2 — and of All Viruses

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes part in a panel discussion following the New York City screening of ‘Trace Amounts’ at NYU on March 24, 2015 in New York City. Photo by Cindy Ord.

[See transcript of my interchange with RFK, or hear audio]

By ERIC F. COPPOLINO | Planet Waves FM

GREENWICH, CT — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has acknowledged the controversy within his own community over whether SARS-CoV-2 physically exists, and whether any viruses exist, or make people sick. He made the comments at a fundraising event here Sunday, April 24, 2022.

Kennedy said that the issue erupts regularly on the email discussion list of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the vaccine safety and education organization that he founded in 2016.

“On our list, there’s a number of people who make those kinds of arguments” about how viruses allegedly don’t exist, Kennedy said in his remarks. “And other people on the list server, and these are all very brilliant people, ridicule them and dismiss them, and have them produce a lot of evidence.”

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What does it mean to follow the science? Lessons from IBT Labs

From the civil testimony of toxicologist Phillip S.Smith in a lawsuit against Monsanto for fraud in safety studies used for FDA and EPA certifications.
From the civil testimony of toxicologist Phillip S. Smith in a lawsuit against Monsanto for fraud in safety studies used for FDA and EPA certifications.

Dear Friend and Listener:

Last week on Planet Waves FM, we featured an interview with Peter von Stackelberg (player above), who in the late 1970s was busy covering grain futures for the Regina, Saskatchewan Leader-Post. He heard that there were some pesticides that may have had their registration pulled, and he looked into it.

As a result of that one decision, he broke open one of the strangest, most far-reaching scandals in scientific history — though today few people have heard of it. It involved a total regulatory failure of the FDA and EPA approval process for agricultural chemicals, food and cosmetic additives, industrial chemicals and many others.

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Investigative reporting in a blizzard of journalistic fraud: Uncovering Covid

Chiron Return, founded in 2014, has served since March 2020 to provide a consistent source of verified news in the mist of a blizzard of journalistic fraud. One of the most serious problems of the Covid crisis is not merely that the commercial news corps could not get the story right; they have made no attempt to do so.

Acting before the federal emergency was declared, we established a special research team and a news feed called Covid19 News. With a mission of investigating specific scientific issues and tracking major developments as told by a wide diversity of information sources, our volunteers and professionals went to work, going nearly around the clock for a year.

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Attorney Ralph Kirk to reporter Eric F. Coppolino

Haz-Mat workers in level B and level C containment suits outside Bliss Hall, SUNY New Paltz, January 1992. This was one of the most contaminated areas on the whole campus after a dozen PCB transformers catastrophically failed.

I am not a writer, so forgive my inexperience but picture the intro: the explosion, what you experienced on site on the day following, the cleanup by state employees without hazmat suits; the 50 million dollar bungled cleanup; the hidden danger to students who lived in the dorms after, your dogged research; your initial articles, the temperature controlled storage of documents at your personal expense. It seems to me, the hook is your response when our office contacted you in May of 2020, along the lines of, “I have been waiting for this call” — We are talking about 29 years later!!!

— Attorney Ralph Kirk

In 2021, I served as an expert witness in a wrongful death disability case involving an employee of the State University of New York at New Paltz who was exposed to PCBs while working and developed multiple illnesses. This matter related back to a PCB contamination incident on Dec. 29, 1991 at the time covered by Student Leader News Service. I provided the claimant’s counsel with documents from the State of New York files obtained under the Freedom of Information Law, photographs that I had taken in December 1991 and January 1992, and expert testimony. The case was decided in favor of the claimant’s widow and estate. I received this letter from their attorney on June 3, 2021. — efc

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And Now it’s Time for Monkeypox!

Meme illustrating response to “monkeypox,” showing where Bill Gates found the virus.

By Eric F. Coppolino | Updates at Covid19 News
Research by Cindy Tice Ragusa

We are tracking the “monkeypox” situation that emerged last week, seemingly out of nowhere. It has not; it has a long history. We’re following both mainstream news developments, as well as our reliable sources, and reaching out to our scientific contacts for specific information related to the nature of the test.

This story emerged May 7, just as New York was bringing back “mask” recommendations. Nobody has been talking lockdown, yet; we wonder if that much terror or sense of phony civic duty could be mustered up a second time. However, they are trying to ruin the first seemingly normal summer festival scene since 2019.

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