Corrected Edition of the Chronology is Published

Read the Latest version of our Covid Chronology — 5.4.1

Read the Substack post about the latest edition. It’s more comprehensive article than the update provided below. And here is the beta version of the 2021 timeline.

Oct. 6. was a big day.

Note from New York, Oct. 16, 2024 — Version 5.4.1 — Corrects one small error: the chronology begins with the DHS psychogenic illness document in 2006. If you want to save a lot of time, that’s the only thing you need to know. — efc

Note from New York, Aug. 5, 2024 — Version 5.4.0 — This edition finally corrects the spacing problem created when we converted the chronology from Word to Pages. Words would randomly stick together and the error would not be visible to spellcheck. And you could not just bang in another space — the whole phrase would need to be retyped. This must have happened 500 to 1,000 times.

If not for the impeccable patience of Alison Ogden, who took months to pick through the text line by line, we might still have this problem. Lord knows I was not going to be able to do it myself. It was quite enough to research, compile, write and edit the thing. I am so glad that’s over.

That said, there are still some little text errors that need to be cleaned up, and the whole document will benefit from a careful review. It will happen, though I’m not sure when. Links will go bad; I’ve quoted documents for that reason.

I have plans for what I want to do as addendum projects, mainly little sidebars. One is sussing out the unusual day of Oct. 6, 2020, where several different films and books were released simultaneously — and Trump getting “out of the hospital” because “he had covid” was on page one of The New York Times. I’m also building a file of UFO disclosures in 2020, some of which we captured but not all. Perhaps one day soon, I will bang those in — it would take me an afternoon to do them both. The research is basically done.

These disclosures, while credible, seemed intended to further destabilize people and add to the chaos and confusion — to the sense that there was no longer any such thing as your basic consensus reality. Despite this, I consider the film The Phenomenon by James Fox to be informative and entertaining, particularly with its coverage of the Ariel School incident that occurred on Sept. 16, 1994.

I would rate this as the among highest credibility UFO incidents in history, and many people learned about it in 2020.

When we were in the thick of it all, Spencer Stevens, a young reporter, poet and musician who contributed significantly to this chronology and to our coverage of the “covid” incident, used to joke that this all, as in the pandemic scenario, was going to end up with a false-flag alien invasion.

That’s what it felt like it was anyway.

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Eric Francis with Dr. Sam Bailey — How Digital Conditions Influenced the Lockdown Crisis

Eric Francis in a new appearance on the Sam Bailey Channel

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week I am again the guest on Dr. Sam Bailey’s channel, talking about how full digital conditions influenced the lockdown crisis. This discussion is based on my study of the work of philosophers Marshall and Eric McLuhan, who pioneered the field of media studies and taught me about life under full digital conditions.

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Don’t Look Back | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This photo of a man purportedly laying dead on the street of Wuhan, China, was taken Jan. 30, 2020 as the “virus” was being rolled out in the international media. Photograph by Héctor Retamal.

Read the Story

“To most people reading the news, the fact of the governor shutting down Broadway and the rest of New York’s world-famous entertainment and professional sports industries was proof enough of a serious problem.”

“To most astrologers, the aspect associated with what was called a coronavirus pandemic was Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. The conjunction, which happens about once every 38 years, was exact on Jan. 12, 2020. It was the “great reset” of the Saturn-Pluto cycle most famous in recent memory for its presence in the chart for Sept. 11, 2001.”

And Now it’s Time for Monkeypox!

Meme illustrating response to “monkeypox,” showing where Bill Gates found the virus.

By Eric F. Coppolino | Updates at Covid19 News
Research by Cindy Tice Ragusa

We are tracking the “monkeypox” situation that emerged last week, seemingly out of nowhere. It has not; it has a long history. We’re following both mainstream news developments, as well as our reliable sources, and reaching out to our scientific contacts for specific information related to the nature of the test.

This story emerged May 7, just as New York was bringing back “mask” recommendations. Nobody has been talking lockdown, yet; we wonder if that much terror or sense of phony civic duty could be mustered up a second time. However, they are trying to ruin the first seemingly normal summer festival scene since 2019.

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What does it mean to follow the science? Lessons from IBT Labs

From the civil testimony of toxicologist Phillip S.Smith in a lawsuit against Monsanto for fraud in safety studies used for FDA and EPA certifications.
From the civil testimony of toxicologist Phillip S. Smith in a lawsuit against Monsanto for fraud in safety studies used for FDA and EPA certifications.

Dear Friend and Listener:

Last week on Planet Waves FM, we featured an interview with Peter von Stackelberg (player above), who in the late 1970s was busy covering grain futures for the Regina, Saskatchewan Leader-Post. He heard that there were some pesticides that may have had their registration pulled, and he looked into it.

As a result of that one decision, he broke open one of the strangest, most far-reaching scandals in scientific history — though today few people have heard of it. It involved a total regulatory failure of the FDA and EPA approval process for agricultural chemicals, food and cosmetic additives, industrial chemicals and many others.

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