Dear Friend and Reader:
This week I am again the guest on Dr. Sam Bailey’s channel, talking about how full digital conditions influenced the lockdown crisis. This discussion is based on my study of the work of philosophers Marshall and Eric McLuhan, who pioneered the field of media studies and taught me about life under full digital conditions.

Every last thing we have experienced the past 30 months has involved and indeed been driven by the digital environment, which encompasses the entire globe.
This includes “viruses” made up in China by metagenomics, humans being tested for “covid” computer code using the PCR, and the total transformation of self and self-concept that has been the result life in the digital world.
Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, husband and wife medical doctors, are two of the most extraordinary people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with during my long and storied career covering scientific fraud.
Their research is impeccable, helpful, and produced with both warmth and integrity that is rare to find on the internet, or anywhere.
I was interviewed by Sam back in April about my work on the master covid chronology — a day-by-day audit of all that happened in 2019 and 2020, dating back to 2007. The earlier interview gives a sense of how I ended up an investigative reporter at age 19.
Thank you for tuning in, for supporting my ongoing work, and for encouraging my efforts to get to the bottom of this mess — and not let it happen again.
That part, we can only do together.
Eric Francis Coppolino
Executive Director, Chiron Return