Isaac George interviews Eric Francis: How the Chiron team unraveled the Covid story

This week we have a special presentation: a between me and UK broadcaster Isaac George, recorded back in May. The conversation focuses how the Chiron Return investigative team unraveled the Covid story.

This is of course an ongoing process, as we continue to observe and analyze the news every day. However, the narrative in the interview starts in the early days of the claimed pandemic, when my focus was reaching out to holistic practitioners, doctors, herbalists, homeopaths and my midwife partner. I describe getting our first documentary evidence of problems with the “covid test,” and to the point of defining 18 separate issues.

Though I made a choice early on to focus on the polymerase chain reaction, we explored many issues in-depth, sometimes working through over a topic ten times. Gradually, a picture began to form. This conversation describes and explains the process of classical investigative reporting.

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